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CrossFit INI
17. 6. 2020
WOD nalezneš na našem IG
kde jsou všechny workouty? na našem IG, tak neváhej a začni nás sledovat právě na Instagramu @crossfit_ini
CrossFit INI
12. 2. 2020
WOD week 03-07/02/2020
Pondělí: “Inferno” 5x 3 min AMRAP / 1 min rest 6x KB Snatch - each arm 6x KB SDHP 6x Burpee Rx 24/16kg Úterý: “Jackie” 1k row 50x...
CrossFit INI
12. 2. 2020
WOD week 27-31/01/2020
Pondělí #impossiblewod n°7 “Balls to the wall” AMRAP 7 3x Fsq 5x STOH 7x Thruster Rx 40/25 kg Can you finish 10 rounds ? Úterý Partner...
CrossFit INI
19. 1. 2020
WOD week 20-24/01/20
Pondělí 30-20-10 Deadlift Rx 60/40 Rx+ 80/55 Burpee over bar TC 11 Úterý AMRAP 15 14x (7/7) DB STOH 20/12,5kg 10x Box Step Over with DB...
CrossFit INI
12. 1. 2020
WOD week 13-17/01/20
Pondělí: Metcon: 18-15-12 Power Clean Box jump over 24”/20” Immediately into 15-12-9 STOH Box jump 24”/20” Immediately into 12-9-6 Clean...
CrossFit INI
12. 1. 2020
WOD week 06-10/01/20
Pondělí: Metcon: AMRAP 8 2-4-6-8-10-12-... DB STOH (each arm) HR Push Ups Rest 5 AMRAP 8 2-4-6-8-10-12-... DB Alt. Snatch After each set...
CrossFit INI
12. 1. 2020
WOD week 30-31/12/19 + 2-3/01/20
Pondělí Metcon: Partner WOD AMRAP 15 Partner A has to ski 1km/800m Meanwhile partner B perform: 5x strict pull up 10x swing 15x box jump...
CrossFit INI
29. 12. 2019
XMas WOD 24122019
EMOM 24 A - 24x Double Unders B - 12x KB SDHP C - 20x Air Squat D - 19x KB Swing Rx 24/16 Rx+ 32/24
CrossFit INI
29. 12. 2019
WOD 23122019
Gymnastics: 5 rounds 20 sec side plank (left) 20 sec rest 20 sec side plank (right) 20 sec rest 20 sec banded clamshell (left) 20 sec...
CrossFit INI
29. 12. 2019
WOD week 16-20/12/2019
12_16-20 Pondělí Gymnastics/Weightlifting: E2MOM for 10 Odd: 8-12x Standing Filly Press Even: 10/10x KB Single Leg DL Metcon: 5x 2min...
CrossFit INI
29. 12. 2019
WOD 13122019
Weightlifting: EMOM 10 10x BB Hip Thrust Metcon: TBT Swing 1 min rest TBT hollow hold 1 min rest TBT wall sit march 1 min rest TBT Goblet...
CrossFit INI
12. 12. 2019
WOD 12122019
Weightlifting: AMRAP 10 Dual DB Deadlift 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-... after each set 20m Dual DB Farmer Walk Metcon: 21-15-9 Devil press Dual DB...
CrossFit INI
12. 12. 2019
WOD 10122019
Gymnastics: 4 rounds Ring dip top position hold x20sec rubrt Rest 20 sec Ring row 20sec Rest 20 sec Ring dip top position hold x20sec...
CrossFit INI
12. 12. 2019
WOD 09122019
“🐻 complex” E3MOM for 21 3 rounds 1x Power Clean 1x FSQ 1x Push press 1x BSQ 1x Push press
CrossFit INI
12. 12. 2019
WOD 06122019
Gymnastics/Weightlifting: 5 rounds 20 sec Ring dip top position hold 20 sec rest 20 sec Ring dip bottom position hold 20 sec rest 20 sec...
CrossFit INI
12. 12. 2019
WOD 05122019
Weightlifting: EMOM 10 30/30 Odd: KB Alternating Gorilla Rows Even: KB Alternating Z-press Metcon: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Pull up KB push...
CrossFit INI
12. 12. 2019
WOD 03122019
Gymnastics: Bent hollow hold 50 sec 50 sec rest One leg bent hollow hold 40 sec 40 sec rest One leg bent hollow hold 40 sec 40 sec rest...
CrossFit INI
12. 12. 2019
WOD 02122019
Misc: EMOM 10 Odd: 10x slam ball Even: 10x high box jump Metcon: 20-16-12-8-4 DB alt. snatch 20/12,5 40-32-24-16-8 DB Weighted Box Step...
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